Global Missions

Jonathan, Beth, Miriam and Jonah Todd are our Ky Missionaries to Brazil.

Beth remembers being deeply aware of God at a very young age, but she had never considered the possibility of going into ministry as a profession. It wasn’t until after she had been working for a few years after college that she was able to identify the source of the restlessness that she felt: God was calling her to do work that had an eternal focus and away from a job that just focused on the day to day. Beth’s call was further clarified as a call to missions as God made her aware of the global nature of the body of Christ.

As the son of a pastor, Jonathan knew all about ministry as a profession. At the age of twelve, Jonathan felt that God was calling him into ministry, but he knew that it was not to pastoral ministry in a local church. At seventeen, Jonathan went on a mission trip to Quito, Ecuador, with Johnny and Paula Snyder. It was there that he discovered that the call on his life was for international missions. Over the course of several more trips to Quito, he was encouraged to follow that call and to keep watch for and be ready to walk through the doors that God would open.

Jonathan and Beth met each other at Asbury Theological Seminary and were married in 2011. In 2015, their daughter was born. Her parents think that she is a natural-born missionary because she loves everyone. And recently they welcomed a son into their family. New doors have opened for the Todds, and those doors are to Brazil. The Church of God is growing quickly in Northern Brazil, with one new church planted each year. The Todds are working alongside the Brazilian leadership to provide a sound foundation for this growth.