May 19, 2020
I want to express my appreciation to all of you pastors and church leaders for your innovation providing ministry in these unprecedented times. Several of you who have not used technology before in conducting worship, as in Facebook live streaming, have discovered how effective technology can be. Has FaceBook live become the new tool much like radio broadcasting has been? And do you think the “drive in worship” may bring back drive in movies? The best innovation that I have heard during this time was a church who was required to have a business meeting during this time. The leadership team sent out the agenda, held a drive-in meeting, then had its members vote yes by honking their car horns, and vote no by flashing their lights. I guess whatever works?
There are a lot of questions coming my way regarding the reopening of in person worship. I have attached the document that lists Gov. Beshear’s guidelines. You are encouraged to follow these to your best ability. Some of you may have to hold multiple worship opportunities to accommodate your congregation’s social distancing in your facility. Note that the word “should” is used often. Please do not take this as a way of ignoring these guidelines. It is important that the Body of Christ set an example of being a good Christian citizen. You know your place of worship and congregants better than anyone, so be wise in how you engage in worship with people in the house.
Below are a few items that I have highlighted as ways to help you comply with our Governor’s guidelines.
Again, I express my sincere appreciation for your leadership to the church. You have stood tall and found ways to encourage your people. May God grant you wisdom and peace as you ply the new waters of social distancing during the in-person worship experience.
Bro. Jim